Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Point Reyes

Point Reyes Lighthouse in fog
We drive the 16 mile road out to the end of Point Reyes.  It's a lonely ride through gorse and ancient ranches tended in 150-year-old methods as dictated by regulation.  Wind-blown for whips across the entire landscape.  Fallow deer ease closer to civilization under the cover of wind and gray clouds. We see a shrouded herd peering back at us suspiciously.

Wind warped cypress trees yield to the fog ghosts

Standing under the cypress trees that line the road to the lighthouse, it is easy to understand where they get their nutrients and moisture.  There's no rain in the air but it is raining continuously under these trees where moisture is captured from the fog whipping through their branches.

1 comment:

  1. Those are days when you're glad you're not on a whaling ship poking your way down the coast in search of the golden gate. So dangerous!
