Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sharing With the Locals

Are we making a mistake to break bread with the locals? Everyone has warned us not to eat fresh fruit and vegetables. But we can't refuse goodwill and a little sociability. Our guide insists that we stop for a coconut milk at a roadside stand belonging to a friend of his. Later, border guards watch us we taunt the monkeys. Then they gesture for us to come over and share some fresh watermelon with them. We leave a little pink on the rind because the monkeys seem interested in sharing as well.
Today's headline in the India Times screams about a new, virulent strain of virus discovered in the Delhi water system. We were there just two days ago. I think I brushed my teeth with tap water. Paula quietly suffers with intestinal problems.

1 comment:

  1. Funny,coconut milk straight out of the fruit like that is sterile. Of course, that doesn't say anything for the knife that cut it open. I hope y'all feel better soon!
