Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gakiling Guest House

Talk about your "cultural experience", the Gakiling Guest House takes us about four hours to find, deep in the heart of the Phobjikha valley in Western Bhutan. It has been modified from a traditional Bhutanese farm into a hotel under intense pressure by tourists to experience Bhutanese heritage. In my judgement this guest house is not really ready yet but it is certainly under construction.

No hot water in here - but at least the toilet wears the international symbol to indicate that it's "sanitized".

I struggle to avoid burning down this ancient wooden guest house as I crank up the heat with kerosene and a match.


  1. Is that a bow tied on the toilet or what?

  2. Ha. Yep. Someone must have stayed in a hotel somewhere and thought, "This is what they do."
    It's like when I visited a Japanese home in Yamanashi Prefecture... they set out two twin futons. Maybe they thought it was an American tradition to have an extra bed for the spirits of the ancestors in America.
