Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ah, to dream the impossible dream...

Paula and I are sitting here on a bright, snowy morning in Winston-Salem perusing the Emirates airline web-site and capriciously cogitating about far-away lands, Arabian Nights and further eastward to India. We want to include you as we dream, plan, scheme and - ultimately - travel to far-away places. We may even include some random ruminations about day-to-day life here in the condo. Put up with the chaff and you may find a thing-or-two of enjoyment or even inspiration.

We're headed to India from March 20th through April 22nd, 2011. certainly not enough time to see an entire sub-continent but hey, there's only so much life to be allocated in the three-score-and-ten we're allotted.

Thanks to Paula and to Lynn and Prabaker Pendse - our fellow travelers - we've got most of the itinerary planned and funded. The current decision is how long to stay in Dubai on our way. You might ask, "Why Dubai?" After conferring with one of our most respected associates who frequently commutes back-and-forth to India, we decided that Emirates - though slightly more expensive - is a significantly more luxurious way to travel with more leg-room and a better appreciation for good service. So why not stay an extra night in Dubai since we are stopping over there anyway. We'll make arrangements with the Emirates travel service desk to get a guide for two days and a night in one of the most architecturally dramatic cities in the world. Perhaps we'll send a spiritual greeting out to Matt Samet from the top of the Burj Al Arab.

Itinerary to be shared sometime in one of the next several posts.

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